Safe Boating Waypoint



Twas soon to be Christmas
And all through the land
People were happy and tired
And still lending a hand

From Northland to Southland
East Coast to the West
Safe Boating is spreading
Our reputation is the best

Thanks to Harbourmasters, councils, donations received
We’ve got some of the money
We need to continue to need
The list of pools to join
Continues to grow

But I could do with your help
If you have a mo

More funding is needed
To set up more pools
If you’re able to help
In this season of yule

Then get in touch now
email or phone
And I hope this wee poem
Does not make you groan.

Merry Christmas to all!



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New Member Day Skipper Course $75 discount:
To use your National Coastguard NZ new member discount for $75 off a Day Skipper course, please in put your membership number in the Discount Code field below (e.g. 123456). Do not use CGM in front of the number.  This discount code may not be used in conjunction with any other offer, and can only be redeemed once. 

10% Membership discount:
To use your National Coastguard NZ 10% membership discount on other selected Home Study courses, input "CGM" and your Coastguard membership number (e.g. CGM78091) into the  "Discount Code" field below. This discount code may not be used in conjunction with any other offer. The courses included in this discount offer are: Day Skipper (Not to be used in conjunction with $75 discount), Boatmaster, Maritime VHF Radio Operator Certificate, Inboard Engine Maintenance, Outboard Engine Maintenance and GPS Operator.

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