Mel's Update



I believe by the time this goes out the door (or off into cyberspace as the case may be) there will be about 8 days to Christmas. We have had a mad couple of months! Let me recap the madness…

The forum was a great event and you all really made it fantastic. It was so great to have so many engaged tutors in one room. Don’t forget to send in suggestions of what you want to discuss next year, and I mean discuss! We slightly missed the mark this year, again too much talking and not enough question/answer time. We will make sure that at next year’s forum actually has question time in the workshops so we can share ideas. Please think about topics for discussion! Oh and people to present those topics of discussion.

The Auckland On Water Boat Show had a fantastic feel to it this year. We were tucked in between Hutchwilco and Naiad, both staunch supporters of Coastguard and CBE, and we presented the public with the Boaties Pack – a combination of membership, courses and callsigns that offered boaties a full starter pack of information. It was a hit! The public were so enthusiastic which is always a good thing.

October brought with it the major influx of callsign applications, lots of people wanting to attend courses and all before Labour Weekend. Safer Boating Week was deemed a success and the Old for New Life Jacket campaign was promoted and kicked off 1st December.

Course numbers have definitely increased in October and coming into December we have seen a number of venues at maximum capacity. 

Having the calendar full with courses advertised 6 months in advance has definitely seen an increase in numbers. There are still a number of areas that we would love to see course dates on the web. Please send me some dates of proposed courses! It doesn’t matter if you only want to run 2 Day Skipper courses a year, let’s show the general public we do hold courses nationwide. We can always change the date if necessary; it is great for Nelson people to see we hold courses in Nelson, even if one is in April and one in September for instance. This way regions and towns stay on the website,  otherwise it is just boring old Auckland there and we KNOW that Canterbury, Marlborough and even Taranaki have big boating populations, so let’s make sure we make the most of the opportunities and keep your town on the map.

We already have a number of course enrolments for January, February and March, which of course means we can plan and organise.

I pray you all have a safe, fun and laughter filled Christmas. May your holidays be filled with the sound of “Row Row Row Your Boat” and my all-time favourite for road trips: “The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round” and now that you can’t get those songs out of your head… Merry Christmas from Mel and Tracy, your National Education team.

Mel Best


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New Member Day Skipper Course $75 discount:
To use your National Coastguard NZ new member discount for $75 off a Day Skipper course, please in put your membership number in the Discount Code field below (e.g. 123456). Do not use CGM in front of the number.  This discount code may not be used in conjunction with any other offer, and can only be redeemed once. 

10% Membership discount:
To use your National Coastguard NZ 10% membership discount on other selected Home Study courses, input "CGM" and your Coastguard membership number (e.g. CGM78091) into the  "Discount Code" field below. This discount code may not be used in conjunction with any other offer. The courses included in this discount offer are: Day Skipper (Not to be used in conjunction with $75 discount), Boatmaster, Maritime VHF Radio Operator Certificate, Inboard Engine Maintenance, Outboard Engine Maintenance and GPS Operator.

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