Foundation Level

Maritime VHF Operator's Certificate Maritime VHF Operator's Certificate

The minimum legal requirement for operating a Marine VHF radio

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Online Self Directed Study
Duration15 weeks
LevelFoundation Level
QualificationCoastguard Education Certification
Price$135.00 (includes assessment fee)
Classroom Study
Duration8 hours
LevelFoundation Level
QualificationCoastguard Education Certification

Aim: To obtain a working knowledge in the use of a marine VHF radio and an EPIRB. 

Duration: 30 (notional) hours of learning which includes all planned learning activities, including revision and assessment, which lead toward the achievement of the learning outcomes. 

Qualifications: Maritime VHF Operator’s Certificate (MVOC) and NZQA Unit Standard 19491.

Legal Requirement: Under the Radiocommunications Act 1989, it is a legal requirement that anyone wishing to operate a marine VHF radio holds an appropriate operator’s certificate. For operators of marine VHF radios, the minimum legal operator certification is the Maritime VHF Operator’s Certificate (MVOC).

This course, which aligns with the syllabus specified by Radio Spectrum Management, it covers

  • the general features and functions of a marine VHF radio
  • procedures and operating techniques for routine calling
  • correct distress and urgency and safety procedures
  • pro-words and the phonetic alphabet
  • trip reports
  • weather services
  • EPIRBS and more

In this MVOC course you will learn how to use a marine VHF radio correctly and with confidence: a must in any emergency. And don't forget that marine VHF radios can be used for receiving weather forecasts, safety information, communicating between boats, or communicating boat to shore.

Note: This assessment has been revamped to better align with the needs of everyday comms on the water. The update ensures that the assessment process is more streamlined and user-friendly, allowing participants to gain relevant skills for safe and effective maritime operations.

This course does not include the use of either Digital VHF (DSC) or Single Side Band (SSB) radios.  If travelling outside New Zealand waters, we recommend the completion of either the Maritime Short Range Operators Certificate course (MSROC – Digital DSC)required for Europe, or the Maritime Restricted Radiotelephone Operators Certificate (MRROC – SSB) course instead.  See the related course information on this website for full details.

Course Type and Duration:

Classroom Study: This is a physical face-to-face classroom course with a tutor. This course is usually run over a weekend or over multiple nights. There is an in-class time commitment of 16 hours that will apply.

Virtual Study: This is a virtual classroom course with a tutor but you will attend virtually via your computer or laptop. This course is usually run over a weekend or over multiple nights. There is a virtual in-class time commitment of 16 hours that will apply.

Online Self-Directed Study: This is where you enrol on an online course which is self-directed from home. You will have 15 weeks from the date of enrolment to complete the course. After the 15-week duration, your enrolment ends and you will be withdrawn from the course.

Course Requirements

We welcome all domestic learners. A NZ citizen or permanent resident, and an Australian citizen or permanent resident are considered domestic learners. We can only accept international learners if:

You are employed by a company in New Zealand; and

Your work requires you to do the course; and

The course is completed within 10 days. 

You can also purchase this course as a Gift.

Course Options

Online Study165 Westhaven Drive, Westhaven, Auckland
Phone0800 40 80 90
Price$135.00 (includes assessment fee)

Coastguard can only enrol domestic learners into courses. Domestic learners are those who are NZ citizens, NZ permanent residents and Australian citizens.

International students are not eligible to enrol in our courses.

If you are unsure whether you are eligible, please contact

The online course consists of interactive activities, readings, supplementary resources such as online articles and videos, and knowledge reviews. Your online learning journey is assisted by an online facilitator who is available to answer your queries and offer support while you learn.

The online course content can be successfully engaged with on both Mac and PC desktops and Apple and Android tablets, provided the appropriate web browser is used. The recommended browsers are Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Many course components contain audio, so speakers or headphones are required.

As this course is registered on the NZQA Framework, Coastguard Boating Education will require your National Student Number (NSN) for administration purposes. Please enter it on the booking form (if known) or we can process it for you when the certificate is issued. Information on your NSN can be found here.

Note: The online course and assessment remains available for 15 weeks from the date of your enrolment. If, after this duration, you have not completed the course, you will be automatically withdrawn.

Timetable of Tutorials

No courses listed or can't find a course that suits? Contact Coastguard Boating Education

Courses starting March 2025 (Virtual)
Virtual Classroom
08:30 - 17:00
This is a virtual MVOC (VHF) classroom course that is scheduled to run on Sunday, 16 March 2025 from 8.30am to 5pm. You get to study with other students and a tutor but virtually from your own home on your own device. The advantage is that you can interact with the tutor and study at the same pace as other online students. Your device needs to have a mouse or a trackpad and a camera. The assessment is also online. Enrolments close at 12pm on Wednesday, 12 March 2025.
Sun 16th - Sun 16th Mar
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
20 places left
Courses starting March 2025 (Northland)
Whangarei Coastguard Marsden Cove
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Last day for registering is Monday 10 March 2025.
Sun 16th - Sun 16th Mar
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
5 places left
Courses starting March 2025 (Auckland)
Outboard Boating Club of Akld
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Last day for registering is Monday 10 March 2025.
Sun 16th - Sun 16th Mar
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
8 places left
Courses starting May 2025 (Auckland)
Te Atatu Boat Club
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Last day for registering is Monday 28 April 2025.
Sat 3rd - Sat 3rd May
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
16 places left
Courses starting June 2025 (Auckland)
Coastguard Boating Education office - Westhaven Marina
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Last day for registering is Monday 9 June 2025.
Sun 15th - Sun 15th Jun
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
15 places left
Courses starting March 2025 (Waikato / BOP)
Tauranga Coastguard
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Last day for registering is Monday 3 March 2025.
Sun 16th - Sun 16th Mar
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
10 places left
Whakatane Coastguard
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Last day for registering is Monday, 24 March 2025. Please note, this venue has limited access: the course will be held upstairs.
Sat 29th - Sat 29th Mar
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
15 places left
Courses starting April 2025 (Waikato / BOP)
Tauranga Coastguard
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Last day for registering is Monday 31 March 2025.
Sat 5th - Sat 5th Apr
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
15 places left
Taupo Bowling Club
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Last day for registering is Monday 7 April 2025.
Sun 13th - Sun 13th Apr
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
13 places left
Courses starting April 2025 (Central North Island)
Hawkes Bay Coastguard Operations and Education Centre - Napier
08:30 - 17:00
This course runs for one full day. There is recommended pre-reading - the links for which will be sent to you prior to the course. Enrolments close Monday 31 March 2025.
Sat 5th - Sat 5th Apr
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
14 places left
Courses starting March 2025 (Lower North Island)
Patea Fire Station
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Please note there is limited accessibility to this venue as the room is upstairs. Last day for registering is Thursday 6th March.
Sun 16th - Sun 16th Mar
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
4 places left
Courses starting April 2025 (Lower North Island)
Wellington Coastguard
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Please note there is limited accessibility to this venue as the room is upstairs and there is no ramp. Last day for registering is Sunday 30 March 2025.
Sat 5th - Sat 5th Apr
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
11 places left
Courses starting May 2025 (Lower North Island)
Wellington Coastguard
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Please note there is limited accessibility to this venue as the room is upstairs and there is no ramp. Last day for registering is Monday 19 May 2025.
Sun 25th - Sun 25th May
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
12 places left
Courses starting March 2025 (Christchurch / Canterbury)
Coastguard Sumner - Christchurch
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Last day for registering is Monday 10 March 2025.
Sun 16th - Sun 16th Mar
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
9 places left
Courses starting April 2025 (Christchurch / Canterbury)
Coastguard Sumner - Christchurch
08:30 - 17:00
This one-day course involves some pre-reading material, the links for which will be sent to you before the course starts. Last day for registering is Monday 31 March 2025.
Sat 5th - Sat 5th Apr
Phone: 0800 40 80 90
10 places left

I just want you to know that I found yesterday's Boatmaster assessment to be a great learning experience. Your positive feedback and wonderfully detailed explanations opened my eyes to so many aspects of the study material, but more it brought to life what has been up to now a largely academic exercise. I am in awe of your knowledge of the subject matter.
Boatmaster CourseP OGrady

Which course format is right for you?

Online Study

Online Self-Directed Study: We have 3 online courses; Beginning Boating, Day Skipper and Maritime VHF. These courses are designed to be studied online using your own computer and have great content and illustrations, are interactive and easy to navigate.
Home Study: This is a paper based distance learning option which we mail out to you for you to complete at home. This is currently not online. Both options allow you to study at your own pace giving the flexibility to schedule learning around busy lifestyles and commitments. You can also complete the course in blocks and can come back to it on a weekly basis until it is completed.

Classroom Study

Classroom Courses offer the student the ability to study intensely over a finite period of time (usually a weekend) to complete a boating course. It is a chance to meet up with other like-minded boaties and learn from their experiences. Having an educated teacher with years of boating knowledge enables the student to be taught face-to-face and ask any questions that may come up. 
Virtual Study offers the student the ability to study with a classroom course and tutor but virtually from their own home on their own device. They can interact with the tutor and study at the same pace as the other students in the classroom.

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New Member Day Skipper Course $75 discount:
To use your National Coastguard NZ new member discount for $75 off a Day Skipper course, please in put your membership number in the Discount Code field below (e.g. 123456). Do not use CGM in front of the number.  This discount code may not be used in conjunction with any other offer, and can only be redeemed once. 

10% Membership discount:
To use your National Coastguard NZ 10% membership discount on other selected Home Study courses, input "CGM" and your Coastguard membership number (e.g. CGM78091) into the  "Discount Code" field below. This discount code may not be used in conjunction with any other offer. The courses included in this discount offer are: Day Skipper (Not to be used in conjunction with $75 discount), Boatmaster, Maritime VHF Radio Operator Certificate, Inboard Engine Maintenance, Outboard Engine Maintenance and GPS Operator.

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